iRestore Laser Hair Restoration Helmet 1 Year 8 Month Update

iRestore Laser Hair Restoration Helmet 1 Year 8 Month Update

Buy it at Amazon: iRestore Laser Hair Growth System [Affiliate Link]

Takeaway: It's been 20 months since I started using the iRestore Laser Hair Restoration Helmet and over a year since my last update so let's chat about the state of my hair today.

For those of you curious about whether or not my hair has improved a lot more since my previous update at the 6 month mark, the current consensus is that while I haven't seen further improvement, I have also not seen tremendous regression of results and in fact I seem to be maintaining my hair (and improvements gained during the first 6 months) which is really comforting. Keeping what hair I have in good healthy condition is my primary goal and I think the helmet helps do that and for the last year I haven't struggled as much with shedding or further recession of my hair line, except perhaps slightly at the temples. I also noticed that my hair feel thicker and stronger overall and less like the baby fine/thin hairs I had prior to using the helmet. I plan on using the device indefinitely for maintenance and hopefully by the time the machine wears out, there will be a new and improved device on the market.

Thanks to everyone who has been supportive and asked questions. I hope I've helped you with your research and wish you well on your own hair journey.

Affiliate Product Links:
Laser Helmet:
Hair Thickener:
Hair Growth Sup:

Buy it at Amazon: iRestore Laser Hair Growth System [Affiliate Link]


  1. Hi, do you still use other things from irestore, like shampoo, serum?

    1. Not currently. I used them initially for months 3-6 when I first started using the device. I think that they did help me initially get results with the helmet, but I haven't noticed a big detriment when I stopped using them. I am still using the laser helmet 2-3 times a week to maintain my hair quality. I still have about a half bottle of the shampoo left which I use on occasion but not every time I wash my hair.


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