XYUN Olive Oil Bottle and Pourer Set Review

XYUN Olive OIl Bottle and Pourer Set Review

Buy it at Amazon: XYUN Olive OIl Bottle and Pourer Set [Affiliate Link]

Takeaway: Leak-free drizzle pourers w/tight seal, wide funnel for spices/herbs to make infused oils.

You'll receive a green glass bottle, stainless steel funnel, 1 pourer with a flip cap, and 1 pourer with removable rubber cap. The bottle is dark green to keep out light which helps prevent spoilage of the oil inside. It has a screw on plastic cap and plug which can also be saved and used for storage. The two pourers are nearly identical, but the flip cap one is for frequent usage because it can't be tightly sealed, and the removable cap version is better for storage and transportation since it won't spill if tipped over. The funnel is rust resistant and has smooth edges with a 2" diameter hopper and 1/2" neck diameter, which are both large enough to accommodate dry crushed spices and herbs if you want to infuse the olive oil.

The nozzle diameter of both pourers is about a ¼" so any crushed herbs and even peppercorns can be dispensed with the oil without clogging the tip. The pourers fit tightly into the neck of the bottle and don't leak. I found that the pourers also work well with other bottles, so I can have oil and vinegar on my salads. Overall, the bottle and pourers both met my expectations with leak-free operation and generous drizzle amount.

Buy it at Amazon: XYUN Olive OIl Bottle and Pourer Set [Affiliate Link]


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