Balloon Time Standard Helium Tank Kit Review

Balloon Time Standard Helium Tank Kit Review

Buy it at Amazon: Balloon Time Standard Helium Tank Kit [Affiliate Link]

Takeaway: Good for a couple dozen balloons, easy to use, but my tank nozzle started leaking.

The helium tank comes with a pack of 30 latex multi-color balloons. Inside the bag there's also a roll of white ribbon. The tank itself weighs 5-6 lbs. It measures 17" tall and has a 10" diameter. Like a propane tank, it is made of metal and recyclable (but not re-fillable). The tank is filled with an 80/20 helium-air mix. Instructions are printed on the side of tank. Since latex balloons leak quickly, it's recommended to fill them only 1-2 hrs before you need to use them and the typical float time is 5-7 hours. Foil balloons can last longer, up to 4 days. However, by spraying the latex balloons all over with an aerosol hair spray, I was able to extend their float time to about 16 hours. I fill the balloons at 4 pm for a party that started at 8 pm and the balloons were floating well past midnight. The next morning about half of them had started to sink. The dried hairspray tends to flake and create dust so it's best to dispose of the balloons once they start to sink.

The only problem I had with the tank was that after a few fills, the nozzle started leaking when it was not depressed so I had to shut off the main valve between fills. This was slightly inconvenient and made filling the balloons take about 30 seconds per, but I didn't lose all the gas in the tank and there's still some left that I can use for another party. I filled fifteen 11-inch balloons and five 13-inch balloons with some helium to spare. Overall, the helium tank was easy to use and despite the slight leakage problem which I was able to work around, it wasn't too bad of an experience, and I was able to make the party fun and festive. I would try it again if I only needed a handful of balloons.

Buy it at Amazon: Balloon Time Standard Helium Tank Kit [Affiliate Link]


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