SunnyTech Solar Flag Pole Light (2015 version) Review

SunnyTech Solar Flag Pole Light (2015 version) Review

Buy it at Amazon: SunnyTech Solar Flag Pole Light (2015 version) [Affiliate Link]

Takeaway: Easy to install and use; bright spotlight to showcase your flag.

The solar light housing is made of plastic that is both durable and water resistant. The device is pretty basic. It's a 9.5" disc shaped light with 20 LEDs, powered by 3 AA Ni-MH 2000mAh 1.2V batteries (included and replaceable). The unit comes with no mounting hardware and can easily be mounted between your flag pole ornament/topper and pulley assembly. Make sure the mounting shaft/bolt is at least 1 3/4" inches long to clear the depth of the light and no more than 1/2" in diameter.

Remember to turn on the unit before putting your flag pole up as it may be difficult to press the button afterwards! If you're not sure whether or not the unit is on, cover the solar panels on the top. If the batteries have a charge, the LEDs will turn on when there's no light hitting the solar panels. This also enables the light to turn on automatically at night.

The light color temperature is a bright white. The LEDs are low power consuming and low heat emitting. The lumens this outputs is enough to illuminate the flag when it is raised. The light spreads out the farther you get from the unit and by the time it hits the ground can appear quite dim. The primary purpose of this light is to illuminate the flag that would be directly beneath which is does quite well. But don't expect it to cast a bright light any farther than that.

Buy it at Amazon: SunnyTech Solar Flag Pole Light (2015 version) [Affiliate Link]


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